Looking for something to refresh your skincare routine this spring? Wondering if Mimitika Face Sunscreen makes the cut?
Well first of all you need to know that I absolutely love this sunscreen. Through all the SPFs I rifled through recently – 10 different brands to be exact – I feel that Mimitka face sunscreen works absolute wonders for me.
But unfortunately for all those out there who like to read the end before the beginning, I will not be giving all my secrets away in the intro. But I can promise that if you read on, you’ll learn everything you need to know and more with this Mimitika sunscreen review.
But first a few disclaimers. Firstly, I am not working with Mimitika for this review. I happen to really enjoy this product – as is the case with many of my reviews – and I want to give you guys my unfiltered opinion on it.
However, this article does contain some affiliate links that will be at no additional cost to you at all! If you do wish to support me and what I love to do though, feel free to check those links out!
So let’s get on with the review!

Everything You Need To Know About Mimitika
Mimitika is a French brand that was launched in 2016. The brand claims to make sun protection for sun lovers so that they may enjoy the light without any constraint or care. It is said on their website that they decided to make sun protection products that not only worked well but were also non-greasy, non-sticky, and left no white cast.
Before we get into the actual Mimitika sunscreen review, let me tell you why Mimitika is so special.
The company not only invests in making quality sun protection for people, but it also takes an active role in being environmentally conscious. It is cruelty-free and vegan friendly so you can feel good about buying from this brand.
And that’s not all! Because the Mimitika face sunscreen doesn’t contain oxybenzone and octinoxate it can be considered safe for coral reefs as well.
The formulation is also free from PEGs, and nanoparticles. Wow, try saying all of that in one breath.
But what do those fancy words and chemicals actually mean?

A breakdown of PEG
PEGs are petroleum-based compounds that are widely used in cosmetics. They act as thickeners, solvents, softeners, and moisture carriers.
The issue with PEGs is that depending on their manufacturing processes, they can be contaminated with ethylene oxide (a known human carcinogen) and 1,4-dioxane (a possible human carcinogen)
What’s more, is that some evidence suggests that if PEG compounds come in contact with broken skin they can cause irritations and systemic toxicity.
This is why they have been recently deemed PEG an unsavory cosmetic ingredient.
A breakdown of Nanoparticles
Nanoparticles are deemed a risky cosmetic ingredient because there is acutally very little research done on how these particles may affect us in the long run. But you may be wondering why this is an issue?
Well, because there’s a risk that what we’re putting onto our skin may seem safe at the moment but can affect us in the future.
For example, two of the most commonly used nanoparticle materials in cosmetics are titanium oxide and zinc. These are particles are minuscule and can easily be absorbed by the skin into our bodies. But recent studies suggest that they can negatively affect the skin, especially when exposed to sunlight.
Now I’m no beauty chemist and I don’t want to spread misinformation so I urge all of you to read this up for yourself and assess the risks and your own discretion.
A breakdown of oxybenzone and octinoxate
Oxybenzone and octinoxate may be great at converting harmful UV rays into harmless heat for human skin but they aren’t that great for coral reefs. When these chemicals are in the water, they decrease coral reefs’ defenses against bleaching, causing them irreparable damage and hurting their development.
Coral bleaching describes the occurrence where corals lose their bright and vibrant color because the microscopic algae that live on them – which gives them the color in the first place – is expelled.
Coral reefs and the microscopic algae share a mutually beneficial relationship where they help one another to survive. Without the other, these aquatic creatures will surely die.
So the Mimitika SP50 face sunscreen not having these chemicals makes them a product I feel good using.
Now here’s what you’ve been waiting for, on with the review!
Firstly the sunscreen protects from both UVA and UVB rays. UVA rays are known to cause skin damage such as wrinkles and sun spots, whilst UVB rays causes redness. Both UVA and UVB rays can cause skin cancer.
Now you may think that all sunscreen these days provide protection from both these harmful rays, however, unless the sunscreen is a broad-spectrum sunscreen like the Mimitika face sunscreen it doesn’t provide protection from both these types of UV rays.
Other than this I absolutely love that Mimitika offers an SPF of 50 on their sunscreen. This is especially because research shows that sunscreen that has an SPF of 50, can effectively block out 98% of UV rays.
I can already hear you guys saying “But Karmen how does it feel on the skin? Is it really as non-greasy and non-sticky as it claims to be?”
My answer is, heck yes!
Listen, the Mimitika SP50 Face Sunscreen isn’t one of my favorites for nothing. It’s an amazing sunscreen that blends seamlessly and easily with makeup. You never get any type of pilling or pulling when you layer foundation over this sunscreen.
And it even works great for the days you go makeup-free because it thankfully doesn’t leave a white cast on the skin. You guys don’t know how many times I applied sunscreen only to be left looking like I could be one of the Cullens from the Twilight series.
But thankfully this didn’t happen with the Mimitika face sunscreen! I applied the recommended amount of about the length of two fingers and even reapplied through the day, but absolutely no white cast!
Besides that, it’s easy on the skin. It feels light, and yet really hydrating. I’ve used this during the summer months and found that you don’t even need to moisturize after using it, it really is that hydrating.
And you guys know I’m picky about my hydration because I’ve got dry skin and so I need all the moisture I can get. So I’m really happy to report that Mimitika didn’t disappoint on this front.
As for the price, although it’s not the cheapest product on the market, it certainly isn’t the most expensive either. I genuinely feel as if the price matches the value and you are getting your penny’s worth when you purchase this product.
Now although I do absolutely love the Mimitika face sunscreen, I will say that I was really disappointed with the packaging. Personally, I feel like it’s a pretty big downside. It isn’t enough to get me to stop using it but it is pretty irritating.
The packaging on this product might actually be one of the worst packaging I’ve experienced for a beauty product. I went through three bottles of this sunscreen and with all three of them, the lid had broken. This was especially disappointing because I feel as if the cream itself is magnificent but its packaging doesn’t live up to the value inside.
I really do hope that someone from Mimitika – maybe someone reading this article – will look into changing the packaging. Your product is amazing and it should have the packaging to match!

What else does mimitika have to offer?
If you aren’t looking for a new sunscreen to rev up your skin care routine, maybe you can try one of these other Mimitika products.
Want to use your sunscreen in winter but can’t bear to take your gloves off and risk the frostbite to apply it? Well Mimitika made a product for all those winter sports lovers out there. It is called the Mimitka Sun Face brush, has an SPF50 and quite literally can be applied without removing your mittens!
You just remove the cap, slab on the sunscreen with the in-built brush applicator, close it up and go on with your day. Although I think this is really an ingenious product I do think that from time-to-time you might want to give the brush applicator a thorough clean to avoid any bacteria growth.
Mimitika also has a whole range of lip balms that offer SPF! I love this because we often forget to protect our lips and I’ve heard their lip-balm is as hydrating as their face sunscreen.
And if you’re a sun lover looking for a sun-kissed look, Mimitika also offers a line of natural self tanners! From face creams to a self-tanning foam and even a giant applicator, they aim to provide you the even goddess glow you deserve.
I love that Mimitika is branching out with their product and I might have to pick some up for myself to give you the lowdown on how good they actually are.
But for this review let’s focus on face sunscreen.
My final thoughts: Is the Mimitika face sunscreen worth the buy?
In my opinion, yes. The formulation of the Mimitika face sunscreen is divine and it’s a brand that cares so with the janky packaging aside, I really would recommend it to anyone who’s looking for a new sunscreen.
But I will say that if packaging is a big issue for you and you don’t like that it comes in a pot, then you might want to skip this product.
And if you’re like me and you choose to pray to the skincare gods that Mimitka will change their packaging, you’re in for a treat. The sunscreen sits truly beautifully on the skin and gives you the protection you need for your day in the sun.
I don’t have many regrets with this sunscreen except maybe that I wished I had found it a little earlier.
Finally if you’ve enjoyed this review and are curious to know more about me do check out my blog! I write about everything from beauty to fashion to pinterest and interior design. Also if you like to keep up to date with me don’t forget to join my mailing list!