Hello Beauties, welcome back! I hope you had a lovely week! Here it is getting quite warm and sweaty, so I am trying to bathe myself in SPF and walk in the shadow. Apart from that, it is all good I have finally made some progress with my website traffic.
I usually don’t talk about my progress with my page, but I feel like, with all the recent changes, I may have found the golden ticket which will help all of us. Most of my organic traffic is coming from Pinterest. I have started building my page back in March. In May my Pinterest started skyrocketing and gain 200k additional views. With these numbers increasing on my Pinterest, my website started becoming successful as well. In the first week of June, I bought my domain and signed up with a hosting service. This meant I had to move my free WordPress website, to the hosting company’s site.
If anyone would like to know, I have chosen Bluehost. After I set up everything and claimed my website, my numbers dropped from 100+ page views to 0 in 3 days. I was devastated. I have worked months to build my website and my Pinterest and I have lost all my hard-earned traffic.
So I started digging, tried everything and after almost two weeks of no success, I contacted Pinterest. I have received their response saying: they accidentally marked me as spam, but they have corrected their mistake. My numbers should recover within 30 days (I am currently at 18).
As I am writing this my numbers have just started to recover. But not because I am out of their loop. I have realised that even though my images are still within the penalty period, my videos are not. So I started posting videos only. Well, guess what? My numbers have started to come back slowly but surely.
For this reason, I have decided, instead of talking about interior design, I will share my knowledge about video pins today. I made a video for you to watch here. It is the first thing I have ever created, so I apologise for my high-pitched voice. I was quite nervous.
I also took some screenshots, so I can show you how to do it step-by-step here.
How to create an animated image in Canva?
On this image you can see I already placed an image together and it is ready to be animated. On the left upper corner you will find the button called “animate”. Click on it and it will give you several options to use. My favourite is “Rise”, which is the one I chose for this image as well.
2. Save the image!
Save it somewhere on your computer and always pay attention to save it as a video! Otherwise it will not be animated. Lucky for us, that is the default set up from Canva.
3. Go to Pinterest and upload the video as a rich pin!
Upload or drag the image into the spot, then add the following:
– Destination link = The address of your content. This is how your followers will reach the information
– Set the time for publishing = You can pre plan your pins here by selecting “Publish at a later date”. Click there and select the most suitable time for your audience.
– Add tags = This is a new feature, which Pinterest have recently added to video pins. It will help you get more views/impressions, if you use the correct ones for your content! I always add up to 6 tags and I would not advise on more.
-Add description= 500 characters about your image. The first 50 will show, which means that is the part which needs to be the most interesting. Don’t forget to add hashtags in the end of your description. Keep in mind, that Pinterest does not support too many hashtags, so stick to 3-6, which are related to your content.
-Add a title = 100 characters about your image. The first 40 will show, so keep in mind, that part should be popping.
– Select the folder = Select the folder, which you wish to use for your image. Again, it needs to be related to your image and content.
I hope you enjoyed this article and found it helpful. Please don’t forget to leave a comment or like my post, if you have enjoyed it. And share it with your friends so more people will be aware of this information! Happy Monday!