It is home office time, everyone! Get the PJs, sweatpants, sweatshirts and messy bun, woo-hoo! Well, probably this will not be a good idea for you! I am going to explain why it is worth taking the time and effort to dress up like you were going to work. Also, I am going to share some home office outfit ideas, which may help you make a decision. You should remember, comfortable can be casual as well.

  1. First and most importantly: Motivation. Trust me, when I say you feel more empowered, more motivated when you look good. I get it, no one will see you and you are basically within your apartment. But! Most of you will have video calls, which means, you are ready to roll! No need to worry about what to wear from the waist up since you are already done!

2. Getting dressed means: getting prepped for the day. What I mean by that is, while you are dressing up, you have the chance to think about the tasks you will need to complete that day. It helps you get focused and ready, while I am not sure a PJ would do the same.

3. Changes your mood: It does! At least it changes mine. I worked in my sleepwear the other day and I can tell you, I was a mess. It is the same when I am working freelance at home, I need to look decent. I felt sad, lazy and sleepy all day. Also, it is not a good look to have 24/7. Now, when we have to spend every day inside, it is crucial to have at least a daily routine, so you don’t feel stuck doing the same things repeatedly.

4. It is what works for me and my opinion. If you feel like PJ and messy bun is the best way to go for you to be productive, please do it! No one should change their habits, after reading an article.

However, if you have been feeling a little low lately, because of self-isolation, these tips may help a little. I am not saying this is what anyone should do, but this is what worked for me and this is what I find useful for myself to keep going. It is always worth trying and moving out of our comfort zone, even if it is just for a minute.

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