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Hello Beauties, I am back! I have been a busy bee this week, hence the absence of a new article. I am trying a new feature with my website, which has taken a lot of energy. I had to understand what I am doing first! There was another thing which has kept me busy as well. Pinterest algorithm changes!
Well, hello there! Since I am gaining most of my traffic through their site, I had to do a little investigation. I have learned some important new ways of creating content. I am going to let you know all about them in the following week or so. But let’s switch back to today’s topic!
There is an extreme worldwide economic recession, which impacted most people’s wallets. But I also know some of you may have just moved houses or built their homes, which means these homes need furniture and most likely some accessories. Then this idea came to me.
I have tried to collect different types of accessories from reasonably priced designers mixed with fast fashion brands. Since I am Hungarian, I am going to show you some local artist’s work. I believe their art deserves international attention, and lucky for me, my audience is almost 100% from foreign countries.
I take pride in having a diverse audience, so thank you to all, who is giving me their time and attention. And now let me present to you the first image!
- Ceramics
We all need them in our home. Whether it be for cutlery or display, they are crucial, if we wish to add some style to our home. Probably not crucial, but essential. Lillaceramics can be an amazing refined, sophisticated option. All of her pieces are hand made which speaks of quality. Also, it means you will never find the same piece anywhere else! You can find her beautiful work here: https://www.facebook.com/repertorystore/
I added some beautiful dry flowers to this image from Aviragoslany, since two of the ceramics could hold flowers. I have never been a dry flower fan, but I have learned to like them. Especially after finding her Instagram page and website. Her work is affordable, and you can make your purchase here:
You can see a pair of earrings on this image, and even though it is not related, let me share the designer’s page as well: https://www.facebook.com/pg/repertorystore/about/?ref=page_internal

2. Flower pots & Flowers:
My first initial idea was creating comparisons, then I have realised it is unnecessary. But I have left this one in the mix, as I felt the images complete each other. I will not talk much about the dry flowers, as I just did previously. They are from Aviragoslany. Please find her page here:
The flower pots are from H&M home. As I am aware of how much companies like H&M hurts the Planet, I would like to ask for better recommendations. If any of you have come across a conscious and affordable company, please send them my way! I am happy to share anyone’s work, who is creating valuable items.
You can find the H&M flower pots here:

3. Fragrances:
I am addicted to perfumes, fragranced candles, sprays, and such! I remember my first experience with home fragrances. I was in Milan for the first time in 2014 and came across this shop. My nose showed me the way as I had no idea where to go. I came inside and saw a large variety of textile fragrances. I was amazed as it was my first time realising it is a real thing. I have spent a great hour there and left with scents for my whole family. You can imagine how happy I was!
As I mentioned before, I support economically conscious brands. The one I am going to introduce to you follows these ideas. Andyourstories is making scented soy candles for everyone in harmless packaging. Even the shipping box is paper with paper wraps. They create scents around feelings. This concept helped me purchasing the perfect Christmas gift to my boyfriend.
He loves the scent of rain. With their candle, I could surprise him with the smell he loves so much. The brand’s new invention is Home Sprays, which is a beautiful idea. I can’t wait to purchase their Golden Hour and spray it all over my sheets! You can find them here:
The pendant and the cushions are from Zara home. I believe they complete the ensemble beautifully, however, I would not waste more time on advertising them. Please send me conscious options, if you can.

4. Artwork:
I don’t remember who said this, but I agree: People need real artwork in their life, not the bed, bath, and beyond. I stand by this, especially when I see the pricing. I have found the painter, Nikolett Schutz about a month ago. Also, on Instagram.
I tend to explore a lot of new talent there. If anyone wants to check my IG, you will see I mostly follow creators. She is making contemporary artworks and selling them at a reasonable price. They make a beautiful extension, to anyone’s home as they are so versatile.
You can find her art here:
I added an Ikea frame and Zara home vase to create a sophisticated ensemble. You can find them here:

5. Dining sets:
We all eat, so we might as well own a few well-designed plates. With this thought in mind, I have found an affordable option from Anthropologie. I paired it up with a cute table lamp from Zara Home. The result is a calm and serene dining environment. You can find these pieces here:

No one should break the bank to have a stylish apartment! These designer pieces paired up with some standard items can make your home look spectacular! I hope this article gave you some inspiration and courage to explore artists more! Not everyone sells on high-end luxury prices but delivers quality. Decoration takes a bit of courage, imagination, and exploration. With that in mind, you can create the most stunning place for yourself!
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